
14 November 2012

Charles Thomas Bothwell MC

I've had this photo for a while and until today I didn't know who this officer was.  This afternoon, I discovered the self-same photo on somebody else's tree (thanks Ancestry) and now know that this man is Lt Charles Thomas Bothwell MC (1887-1969).  His son Stan would later marry my father's cousin Olive and, whilst on active service, would be tragically killed in a road traffic accident in England in 1941. Olive never re-married and claimed a war widow's pension until she died in 2008 at the age of 93.

As for Charles Thomas Bothwell, he arrived in the Balkan Theatre of war as a sergeant, was commissioned second lieutenant on the 25th September 1916 and was awarded the Military Cross the following year.  His citation was published in the LG on the 16th August 1917 and reads:

I'd love to know where his medals are and reunite them with that of his son's.  Anyone know of their whereabouts?