
25 October 2015

1914 PoWs - lists for sale

I have started selling transcriptions of my lists of men who were captured prior to December 1914. You can read more about this project on my 1914 PoWs page. Rolls cost from £10 each; a bargain really when you consider how much information there is on many of them. I have published partial information for some of the regiments; full list follows. Drop me a line for more information.

I can't recall now, from where I obtained the photograph of Pte James Mowat of the 1st Gordons (above). My apologies if I have infringed any copyright.

Royal Artillery
Royal Garrison Artillery
Royal Field Artillery

Household Cavalry

1st Life Guards
2nd Life Guards
Royal Horse Guards (The Blues)

Line Cavalry

3rd (King's Own) Hussars
4th (Queen's Own) Hussars
7th Hussars
8th Hussars
10th (PWO) Hussars
11th (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars
13th Hussars
14th (King's) Hussars
15th Hussars
18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own)
19th Hussars
20th Hussars

1st (King's) Dragoon Guards
2nd Dragoon Guards
3rd Dragoon Guards
4th Dragoon Guards
5th Dragoon Guards
6th Dragoon Guards
7th Dragoon Guards

1st Dragoons
2nd Dragoons
5th Dragoons
6th Dragoons

5th Lancers
9th Lancers
12th Lancers
16th Lancers
17th Lancers

Foot Guards

Grenadier Guards
Coldstream Guards
Scots Guards
Irish Guards

Infantry (Line and Territorial Force)

Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Bedfordshire Regiment (173 named individuals)
Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) (53 named individuals)
Border Regiment
Buffs (East Kent Regiment)
Cameron Highlanders
Cheshire Regiment
Connaught Rangers
Dorsetshire Regiment (390 named individuals)
Durham Light Infantry (184 named individuals)
East Lancashire Regiment
East Surrey Regiment
Essex Regiment (44 named individuals)
Gloucestershire Regiment
Gordon Highlanders (806 named individuals)
Hampshire Regiment
Highland Light Infantry
King's (Liverpool Regiment)
King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) (221 named individuals)
King's Own Scottish Borderers
King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
King's Royal Rifle Corps
Lancashire Fusiliers
Leicestershire Regiment
Leinster Regiment
Lincolnshire Regiment
London Regiment (Territorial Force)
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (509 named individuals)
Manchester Regiment
Middlesex Regiment (397 named individuals)
Norfolk Regiment (215 named individuals)
North Staffordshire Regiment
Northamptonshire Regiment
Northumberland Fusiliers (152 named individuals)
Ox and Bucks Light Infantry
Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) (425 named individuals)
Rifle Brigade (304 named individuals)
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Royal Fusiliers (247 named individuals)
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Royal Irish Rifles
Royal Munster Fusiliers
Royal Scots
Royal Scots Fusiliers
Royal Sussex Regiment (26 named individuals)
Royal West Kent Regiment (158 named individuals)
Scottish Rifles
Seaforth Highlanders
Sherwood Foresters
Somersetshire Light Infantry (186 named individuals)
South Lancashire Regiment (342 named individuals)
South Staffordshire Regiment
South Wales Borderers
Suffolk Regiment (621 named individuals)
Wiltshire Regiment (686 named individuals)

Other Corps

Army Service Corps
Military Mounted Police
Royal Army Medical Corps
Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Royal Engineers

Royal Navy

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