
16 July 2009

Efficiency Medal

17th October 1930.

Awarded to NCOs and men who had completed twelve years’ service with the Territorial Force, with war service and service in West Africa counting double. Service did not have to be concurrent. This medal replaced the Territorial Efficiency Medal, the Militia Long Service and Good Conduct Medal and other Commonwealth equivalents.

Silver oval medal, 39mm high and 32mm wide. The obverse bears the reigning monarch's bust. The reverse carries the inscription 'FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE'. The fixed suspension is in the form of two laurel leaves and bears a scroll bar bearing the relevant title (see below).

There have been five medal types (versions) as follows:

Type 1: GV
King George V (1930-1936). A robed bust and the legend GEORGIVS V D G BRITT: OMN: REX: ET: INDIAE IMP.

Type 2: GVI 1
King George VI (1937-1948). A crowned head and the legend GEORGIVS VI D G BR OMN : REX : ET INDIAE IMP.

Type 3: GVI 2
King George VI (1949-1952). A crowned head and the legend GEORGIVS VI DEI: GRA: BRITT OMN: REX: FID: DEF.

Type 4: EIIR 1
Queen Elizabeth II (1952-1953). A crowned head and the legend ELIZABETH II D : G : BR : OMN : REGINA F. D.

Type 5: EIIR 2
Queen Elizabeth II (1953-2000). A crowned head and the legend ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FID DEF.

This medal was replaced in 2000 by the Volunteer Reserve Service Medal.

Three different ribbons have been used throughout this medal's seventy year history. The first ribbon (1930-1969) was green with yellow edges. The second ribbon (1969-2000) maintained the yellow edges with the centre portion equally divided between blue (left) and green (right). The third version of this ribbon was issued to members of the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC). The yellow edges were retained with the centre portion equally divided between dark blue (left) and scarlet (right).

Impressed in sans serif capitals around the edge.

Three clasps have appeared at different times on the UK versions of this medal: "TERRITORIAL" (issued 1930-1969 and 1892-2000) " MILITIA" (issued 1930-1951) and " T & A V R " (issued 1969-1982). As indicated, the T A A V R clasp was introduced in 1969 but abandoned in 1982 and replaced with the re-introduced TERRITORIAL clasp. There are 34 differently named Commonwealth clasps.

King George V, type 1 with TERRITORIAL clasp.

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