
14 July 2009

Delhi Durbar Medal 1911


Awarded to those present at the Durbar celebrations in Delhi, India to mark the coronation of King George V. A large contingent of British Army officers and men was in attendance for the 1911 Delhi Durbar, although only approximately one quarter of those present at the occasion actually received this medal.

36mm diameter. The obverse portrays the two crowned busts of King George V and Queen Mary facing left, within a floral wreath. The king and queen wear robes of state. The reverse contains Persian script which translates (in the centre) as "Dehli 1911" and around the perimeter, "The Durbar of George V, Emperor of India, Master of the British Lands".

The majority of the medals were issued in silver although a limited quantity were also struck in gold for rulers of the Princely Indian states, and high ranking government officials.

Blue with two vertical red bands.

Issued un-named although occasionally unofficially named.

No clasps were awarded for this medal.

Around 28,600 1911 Delhi Durbar Medals were awarded. One of the recipients was George A J Welch, commemorated on this site.

The photograph on this page shows the medal group of Lt Colonel Frederick Charles Laing and comes from the King Emperor website. His medal group comprises (from left to right), the 1895 India General Service medal (with three clasps), 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Inter-Allied Victory Medal, and Delhi Durbar Medal 1911.

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